
当前位置:主页 > 产品中心 > 滤光片 > 窄带滤光片 >荧光滤光片


简要描述:Alluxa荧光滤光片Alluxa 高性能滤光片以的设计工艺和镀膜过程控制,使Alluxa滤光片具有行业内Z高的透过率,*的截至深度和波长性。

  • 产品型号:Alluxa
  • 厂商性质:生产厂家
  • 更新时间:2024-12-06
  • 访  问  量:2870

Alluxa 高性能滤光片以的设计工艺和镀膜过程控制,使Alluxa滤光片具有行业内高的透过率,*的截至深度和波长性,其中通过SIRRUS™离子束沉积硬镀膜技术,也使得Alluxa滤光片具有使用寿命长,高损伤阈值,以及*的批次稳定性等特点,并已经广泛应用于生物荧光系统、拉曼系统、量子、雷达通讯等精密光学系统中.






应用:荧光系统, 流式细胞仪, 拉曼光谱, LIDAR和光谱成像等.


  • 透过率:可达99%
  • 截至深度:~OD10
  • 陡度:0.5% CWL @ 50%T~OD6
  • 波长范围:250nm~ 6.2 µm可选
  • 波长精度误差: 0.25%CWL
  • 透过波前差(RMS): 优0.01λ per inch @ 632.8 nm


ULTRA 系列具有超高的截至陡度,高达98%的透过率和OD6以上的截至能力。

ULTRA系列多频带通滤光片可以设计为10个以上的透过波段,波段之间的OD值大于8,超高的截至陡度,高达98%的透过率。 它们非常适合用作荧光技术中的激发或发射滤光片,要求在单个样本中同时检测多个荧光团。



390-28_474-28_547-24_634-20 OD6 ULTRA Quad-Bandpass Filter

Alluxa's ULTRA Series of fluorescence filters are designed to provide the highest level of performance currently available for off the shelf products. ULTRA Series filters provide better overall performance than our standard fluorescence filters by using a combination of tight wavelength control (typically ± 1.5 nm), ultra-steep edges, deeper blocking, and the industry's highest transmission levels. They are also specified to produce zero pixel shift when imaging multiple fluorophores. ULTRA Series filters will optimize fluorescence instrument performance, resulting in bright, high contrast images of target molecules. All of Alluxa's filters are durable and hard-coated using a proprietary deposition process.



Item Number


Angle of Incidence

0 Degrees

Center Wavelength 

390 nm ± 2.0 nm, 474 nm ± 2.0 nm, 547 nm ± 2.0 nm, 634 nm ± 3.0 nm


Band 1: 28 nm ± 2.0 nm, Band 2: 28 nm ± 2.0 nm, Band 3: 24 nm ± 2.0 nm, Band 4: 20 nm Nominal

Transmission Band(s)

379 to 401 nm > 93% T Average, 463 to 485 nm > 93% T Average, 538 to 556 nm > 93% T Average, 627 to 641 nm > 93% T Average

Blocking Level 


Blocking Range(s)*

OD6: 300 to 369 nm, 408 nm, 409 to 453 nm, 455 nm, 493 nm, 495 to 525 nm, 529 nm, 568 nm, 570 to 615 nm, 617 nm, 651 nm, 653 to 900 nm; OD3: 900 to 1100 nm


< 3.0 Arcseconds

Transmitted Wavefront Error 

< 0.25 Wave RMS @ 632.8nm

Substrate Type 

Fused Silica


25.0 mm Diameter

Filter Thickness

2.0 mm

Assembly Type

Anodized Aluminum Ring

Assembly Thickness

3.5 mm

Main Fluorophore(s)


Alternate Fluorophore(s)

1,2-Diphenylacetylene, 5-FAM, 5-TAMRA (pH7), 7-Hydroxy-4-methylcoumarin, Acridine Yellow, Alexa Fluor® 405, Alexa Fluor® 546, Alexa Fluor® 647, Alexa Fluor® 680 APC, Alexa Fluor® 680 R-PE, AMCA (pH 9), AmCyan1, Amplex UltraRed, APC, ATTO 465, ATTO 550, ATTO 565, ATTO 635, ATTO 647, ATTO OXA12, ATTO RHO11, ATTO RHO3B, Azami Green, Azami Green (monomeric), BCECF@pH5.2, BCECF@pH5.5, BO-PRO-3, BOBO-3, BODIPY® 650/665-X, BODIPY® TMR-X, BODIPY® TMR-X (IgG), C3-Oxacyanine, C3-Thiacyanine (PrOH), C5-Indocyanine, C5-Thiacyanine, Calcein, Calcium Orange™, Calcofluor White 2MR, Carboxy SNARF®-1 (pH 6), Cascade Blue®, CellMask™ Deep Red, CellMask™ Orange, CellTrace™ Calcein Violet, CF™405M, CF™405S, CF™488A, CF™568, CF™570, CF™640R, CF™647, Coumarin 1, Coumarin 6, CypHer5 (pH 4.67), Cy®2, Dapoxyl(2-aminoethyl)sulfonamide, DDAO, DiA, DiD, DiO, DRAQ5™, DsRed, DsRed Dimer2, DsRed Express T1, DsRed Tandem Dimer2, dTomato, DY-547, DY-630, DY-631, DY-633, DY-635, DY-636, DY-647, DY-650, DY-651, DY-656, EBFP, EGFP, Emerald, EVOblue™-30, FlAsh, Fluo-3, Fluorescein (0.1M NaOH), Fluorescein (IgG), Fluoro-Emerald, FluoSpheres® Blue, FluoSpheres® Dark Red, FluoSpheres® Red, FM 1-43, HCS CellMask™ Deep Red, HCS CellMask™ Green, HCS NuclearMask™ Deep Red, HiLyte™ Fluor 647, HiLyte™ Plus 647, Hoechst® 33258, Hoechst® 33342, LDS 751, LIVE/DEAD® Fixable Aqua Dead Cell Stain, LIVE/DEAD® Fixable Far Red Dead Cell Stain, LysoSensor™ Blue, Magnesium Orange, mApple, Marina Blue®, Me-Coumarin, Merocyanine 540, Methylene Blue, MitoTracker® Deep Red, MitoTracker® Green, MitoTracker® Green FM, MitoTracker® Orange, mTangerine, mWasabi, NBD, NBD-X, NeuroTrace® 500/525 Green Fluorescent Nissl Stain (RNA), Nile Blue (EtOH), Nile Blue (MeOH), Oxazine 1, PA-TagRFP, Pacific Blue™, PerCP-Cy5.5®, pHrodo® succinimidyl ester, PO-PRO™-3, Pontamine Fast Scarlet 4B, POPO™-3, Porphin, Pro-Q® Diamond, PromoFluor-380LSS, PromoFluor-395LSS, PromoFluor-405, PromoFluor-488, PromoFluor-488 Premium, PromoFluor-546, PromoFluor-647, PS-CFP2, Quasar® 670, R-phycoerythrin, Resorufin, Rhod-2, Rhodamine (phalloidin), Sapphire, sgBFP, sgGFP, Spectrum Blue, Spectrum Far Red, Spectrum Orange, SYTOX® Red, SYTO® 13, SYTO® 16, SYTO® 60, SYTO® 62, SYTO® 9, T-Sapphire, TagBFP, TagGFP, TagGFP2, TagRFP, tdTomato, ThiolTracker™ Violet (GSH), TO-PRO®-3, TOTO®-3, TurboGFP, TurboRFP, Vybrant® DyeCycle™ Ruby, Vybrant® DyeCycle™ Violet, WEGFP (post-activation), wtGFP, YO-PRO®-1, YOYO®-1


801.5-50 OD6 ULTRA Bandpass Filter

Alluxa's ULTRA Series of fluorescence filters are designed to provide the highest level of performance currently available for off the shelf products. ULTRA Series filters provide better overall performance than our standard fluorescence filters by using a combination of tight wavelength control (typically ± 1.5 nm), ultra-steep edges, deeper blocking, and the industry's highest transmission levels. They are also specified to produce zero pixel shift when imaging multiple fluorophores. ULTRA Series filters will optimize fluorescence instrument performance, resulting in bright, high contrast images of target molecules. All of Alluxa's filters are durable and hard-coated using a proprietary deposition process.

Item Number


Angle of Incidence

0 Degrees

Center Wavelength 

801.5 nm ± 2.5 nm


50 nm Nominal

Transmission Band(s)

779 to 823 nm > 95% T Average

Blocking Level 


Blocking Range(s)*

OD6: 360 to 675 nm, 675 to 756 nm, 844 to 950 nm; OD3: 300 to 360 nm, 950 to 1000 nm


< 5.0 Arcseconds

Transmitted Wavefront Error 

< 0.25 Wave RMS @ 632.8nm

Substrate Type 

Polished Borofloat®


25.0 mm Diameter

Filter Thickness

2.0 mm

Assembly Type

Anodized Aluminum Ring

Assembly Thickness

3.5 mm

Main Fluorophore(s)


Alternate Fluorophore(s)

Alexa Fluor® 750, CF™750, DiR, DY-750, DY-751, HiLyte™ Fluor 750, HiLyte™ Plus 750, LIVE/DEAD® Fixable Near-IR Dead Cell Stain, PromoFluor-750, CF™770, DY-776, IRDye® 800CW, IRDye® 800RS, NIR1



436.5-49_521-22_604-30_704-54_810-85 OD6 ULTRA Pentaband Filter

Alluxa's ULTRA Series of fluorescence filters are designed to provide the highest level of performance currently available for off the shelf products. ULTRA Series filters provide better overall performance than our standard fluorescence filters by using a combination of tight wavelength control (typically ± 1.5 nm), ultra-steep edges, deeper blocking, and the industry's highest transmission levels. They are also specified to produce zero pixel shift when imaging multiple fluorophores. ULTRA Series filters will optimize fluorescence instrument performance, resulting in bright, high contrast images of target molecules. All of Alluxa's filters are durable and hard-coated using a proprietary deposition process.

Item Number


Angle of Incidence

0 Degrees

Center Wavelength 

436.5 nm ± 2.0 nm, 521 nm ± 3.0 nm, 604 nm ± 3.0 nm, 704 nm ± 4.0 nm, 810 nm ± 4.0 nm


Band 1: 49 nm Nominal, Band 2: 22 nm Nominal, Band 3: 30 nm Nominal, Band 4: 54 nm Nominal, Band 5: 85 nm Nominal

Transmission Band(s)

414 to 459 nm > 90% T Average, 512 to 530 nm > 90% T Average, 591 to 617 nm > 90% T Average, 680 to 728 nm > 90% T Average, 771 to 849 nm > 90% T Average

Blocking Level 


Blocking Range(s)*

OD6: 380 to 406 nm, 467 to 504 nm, 539 to 582 nm, 628 to 668 nm, 742 to 756 nm, 870 to 1050 nm; OD4: 200 to 380 nm; OD2: 1050 to 1100 nm


< 5.0 Arcseconds

Transmitted Wavefront Error 

< 0.25 Wave RMS @ 632.8nm

Substrate Type 

Polished Borofloat®


25.0 mm Diameter

Filter Thickness

2.0 mm

Assembly Type

Anodized Aluminum Ring

Assembly Thickness

3.5 mm

Main Fluorophore(s)


Alternate Fluorophore(s)

1,2-Diphenylacetylene, 1-ANS, 5-FAM, 7-Hydroxy-4-methylcoumarin, Alexa Fluor® 405, Alexa Fluor® 488, Alexa Fluor® 568, Alexa Fluor® 660, Alexa Fluor® 680 APC, Alexa Fluor® 680 R-PE, Alexa Fluor® 750, AMCA (pH 9), AsRed2, ATTO 488, ATTO 495, ATTO 565, ATTO 740, ATTO OXA12, ATTO RHO101, ATTO RHO11, ATTO RHO12, ATTO RHO3B, ATTO Thio12, Azami Green, Azami Green (monomeric), BCECF@pH5.2, BCECF@pH5.5, BCECF@pH9, BO-PRO-1, BO-PRO-3, BOBO-1, BOBO-3, BODIPY® FL, BODIPY® FL (IgG), BODIPY® TR-X, BODIPY® TR-X (Phallacidin), C5-Oxacyanine, C5-Thiacyanine, C7-Indocyanine, Calcein, Calcein Red-Orange, Calcium Crimson™, Calcium Green™-1, Carboxy SNARF®-1 (pH 6), Cascade Yellow®, CellMask™ Deep Red, CellTrace™ Calcein Red-Orange, CellTrace™ Calcein Violet, CellTracker™ Red CMTPX, CF™405L, CF™405M, CF™405S, CF™488A, CF™568, CF™570, CF™583, CF™660C, CF™660R, CF™750, Coumarin 1, CyQUANT®, Cy®3.5, DCF, DCM (acetonitrile), DCM (MeOH), DHPE Texas Red®, Di-8-ANEPPS, DiA, DiR, DRAQ5™, DsRed, DsRed Dimer2, DsRed Express T1, DsRed Tandem Dimer2, dTomato, DY-480, DY-480XL MegaStokes, DY-590, DY-647, DY-650, DY-651, DY-656, DY-750, DY-751, EBFP, EGFP, Emerald, Fluo-4, Fluorescein (0.1M NaOH), Fluorescein (IgG), Fluoro-Emerald, FluoSpheres® Dark Red, FluoSpheres® Red, FluoSpheres® Yellow-Green, FM 4-64, FusionRed, HCS CellMask™ Green, HCS LipidTOX™ Green Neutral Lipid Stain, HCS LipidTOX™ Green Phospholipidosis Detection Reagent, HCS LipidTOX™ Red Neutral Lipid Stain, HCS LipidTOX™ Red Phospholipidosis Detection Reagent, HCS NuclearMask™ Deep Red, HiLyte™ Fluor 488, HiLyte™ Fluor 647, HiLyte™ Fluor 750, HiLyte™ Plus 750, HmGFP, JC-1, Katushka2S, KFP-Red, LDS 751, Lissamine™ Rhodamine, LIVE/DEAD® Fixable Aqua Dead Cell Stain, LIVE/DEAD® Fixable Green Dead Cell Stain, LIVE/DEAD® Fixable Near-IR Dead Cell Stain, LIVE/DEAD® Fixable Violet Dead Cell Stain, LysoSensor™ Blue, LysoSensor™ Yellow/Blue (pH 3), LysoTracker® Blue, LysoTracker® Green, LysoTracker® Red, mApple, Marina Blue®, mCherry, Methylene Blue, mHoneydew, MitoTracker® Green, MitoTracker® Green FM, MitoTracker® Red, mPlum, mRFP1, mStrawberry, mTangerine, mWasabi, NeuroTrace® 500/525 Green Fluorescent Nissl Stain (RNA), NIR2, Oregon Green® 488, PA-GFP (post-activation), PA-TagRFP, Pacific Blue™, PerCP-Cy5.5®, pHrodo® succinimidyl ester, PicoGreen® dsDNA Quantitation Reagent, Pro-Q® Diamond, PromoFluor-370LSS, PromoFluor-380LSS, PromoFluor-405, PromoFluor-488, PromoFluor-488 Premium, PromoFluor-500LSS, PromoFluor-505, PromoFluor-568, PromoFluor-590, PromoFluor-594, PromoFluor-647, PromoFluor-670, PromoFluor-750, Propidium iodide, PS-CFP2, ReAsH, Rhodamine 110, Rhodamine Green™, Rhodamine Red™-X, Rhodol Green, Sapphire, sgBFP, sgGFP, Spectrum Blue, Spectrum Far Red, Spectrum Green, Spectrum Orange, Sulforhodamine 101, SYBR® Gold, SYBR® Green I, SYPRO® Ruby, SYTOX® Green, SYTO® 13, SYTO® 16, SYTO® 60, SYTO® 62, SYTO® RNASelect, T-Sapphire, TagBFP, TagGFP, TagGFP2, TagRFP, tdTomato, Texas Red® R-PE, ThiolTracker™ Violet (GSH), TurboFP602, Vybrant® DyeCycle™ Green, Vybrant® DyeCycle™ Ruby, Vybrant® DyeCycle™ Violet, WEGFP (post-activation), X-rhod-1, YO-PRO®-1, YOYO®-1, ZsGreen1






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